Phonak Naída Lumity L30-PR Hearing Aids (Stream Android & iPhone)

Battery Type: Rechargeable
Select Set: Pair
Sale price$1,499.00 Regular price$2,141.42


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Embrace the power of conversations

Participate in conversations and enjoy meaningful connections with confidence. Naída is here to help you embrace all opportunities and overcome daily obstacles.

Speech understanding is the focus

Phonak SmartSpeech Technology is a collection of features that AutoSense OS™ 5.0 seamlessly adapts for people with moderate to severe HL to provide either improved speech understanding or reduced listening effort in many listening environments.¹˒² 

Its set of advanced features allows you to focus more on the speaker from the front, side and back, so you can confidently navigate conversations.

Speech Enhancer

Helps you hear soft speech in quiet situations for better understanding from a distance.


  •  Financing As Low As 0%, Up to 18 Months
  •  Free Shipping Within U.S.
  •  60-Day Money Back Guarantee
  •  Free Consultation, Programming & Set-up
  •  3-Year Warranty 
  •  3 Year Loss & Damage Insurance
  •  (one claim per  hearing aid w/ $250 deductible per hearing aid)
  •  Lifetime Supply Of Domes & Wax Filters
  •  Lifetime Hearing Aid Service & Tune-Ups

 Charger Included

Navigate conversations with confidence

Phonak Naída Lumity is our most powerful hearing device, robust and reliable, allowing you to embrace all opportunities and navigate conversations with confidence.

  • Priority in speech understanding with SmartSpeech Technology
  • Featuring universal connectivity with Bluetooth® enabled devices, such as smartphones, TVs, tablets and laptops
  • A personalized listening experience with myPhonak, empowering you to take control of your hearing


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